Meet the faces behind BizCom! We’re profiling all of our team members at the agency.
Meet Emily Busskohl! Emily, originally from Southern California, is a graduate of Texas Christian University. She started working at BizCom 4 months ago as an Account Assistant.
Why did you choose PR? I chose PR because I love the excitement of the industry, how fast-paced it is, and how no two days are alike. Most importantly, I love meeting the most interesting people who have fascinating stories that I get the privilege to share. Working in PR allows me the opportunity to learn something new every day and grow both personally and professionally. I also work with the best people ever, so that’s a plus!
Best part of working at BizCom? Definitely the people. Everyone at BizCom is so friendly and welcoming. I’ve only been at BizCom a short amount of time, but I feel like I’ve known the people here my whole life! I’m so thankful to work with and learn from such incredible people. Being able to work from home on Fridays isn’t so bad, either.
Best part of living in Dallas: Majority of my friends from college moved to Dallas too, so being able to have an amazing support system and a solid group of people to experience a new city with is the best part. Dallas itself is tons of fun, too! I love the energy of the city and all the fun things there are to do.
I’m happiest when…. I’m spending time with friends and family…or when I’m in the kitchen cooking and listening to music!
Favorite vacation spot? Italy. I went there with my family last summer and it was the most amazing vacation. I need to go back again at some point!
If you could be any fictional character, who would you be? Blair Waldorf from Gossip Girl. She’s fabulous!
Go-to Netflix show: Gossip Girl. I’ve watched the series 5 times…no shame. I also love Friday Night Lights.
If you could have any superpower, what would it be? To be able to fly!
If you could see any artist in concert, who would it be? Post Malone. He’s my number one favorite artist! I actually just went to Posty Fest this year and it was the best time of my life.
List 2-3 others probably wouldn’t know about you or “fun facts”:
I snort when I laugh
I went to 3 different schools in 7th grade (I moved around a lot growing up)
I was a cheerleader in high school!