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How to turn a quirky holiday into big buzz

By Susan Harling

Everyone knows the tent pole holidays: Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Father’s Day, Christmas, Halloween.  And every year countless marketing departments at countless companies grease up the PR machine to compete for attention, coverage and buzz for their products.

But did you know there is an International Tiara Day?  How about a National DNA Day? Would you have guessed that September is National Piano Month?

July 29th was National Chicken Wing Day, and at BizCom, we couldn’t let this quirky holiday pass without helping one of our clients, Wingstop, generate serious buzz.

Jay Leno photo

Wingstop helped Jay Leno and crew celebrate National Chicken Wing Day.

Here’s how we made sure we were maximizing media interest and engaging fans.

  1. Generate PR at the store level — Local morning shows and news outlets are hungry for cooking segments, and Wingstop sauced and tossed wings for viewers in cities across the country, including Indianapolis, Louisville, Atlanta, Detroit and Cleveland.  Positioning franchise owners as the Wing Experts resulted in fun and fresh segments where Wingstop shared facts about National Chicken Wing Day and spread the word about special offers and growth in market.

  2. Create Social Buzz — Nothing says Happy National Chicken Wing Day like free wings! BizCom worked with producers at The Tonight Show with Jay Leno and Tosh.0 to deliver wings for writers, crew, staff and talent. We also snapped several photos during the wing drops and immediately shared with Wingstop fans on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

  3. Provide an expert source — Wings are growing more popular each year. BizCom positioned Wingstop’s President and CEO as the authority on wings and their skyrocketing popularity. Interview bookings with national outlets Yahoo! Finance and CNNMoney allowed the company’s leader to share the brand’s growth plan, international expansion and success.

Some version of the same approach can work for your company. Give it a try. Or better yet, contact us to help you turn a quirky day into big buzz.

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