We recently wrote about guest columns and their effectiveness as a tool for brand building and establishing thought leadership. If you want to take it up a notch, however, few marketing and PR tools deliver the impact of a book.
Books deliver instant credibility, allow you to tell your story in more depth, and unlike an ad, brochure or PDF, rarely end up in the trash.
From a PR standpoint, they are a goldmine. TV and radio talk shows feature authors on a daily basis, as do podcasts, magazines and other media.
BizCom partner and senior counsel
Dr. John Hayes has probably written more books on franchising over the past three decades than all other authors combined.
Books such as 12 Amazing Franchise Opportunities, Take the Fear Out Of Franchising, 7 Dirty Little Secrets of Franchising, Buy Hot Franchises Without Getting Burned and others have all been Amazon best-sellers and continue to sell on a steady basis, helping aspiring entrepreneurs navigate the mysterious waters of buying a franchise.
For BizComPR client Dina Dwyer-Owens, Live Rich, a book written by BizComPR President Monica Feid, originally provided a way to effectively explain and reinforce the Dwyer Group Code of Values internally to a rapidly growing franchise network and corporate staff needed to support that network.
Dina quickly realized, however, that her message resonated well beyond the Dwyer Group network and into the business community as a whole. Her second book, Values Inc., led to appearances and speaking opportunities from coast to coast and even in the halls of Congress thanks to an aggressive BizComPR promotional campaign.
You can be an author, too
Because we have counseled and represented so many dynamic and creative entrepreneurs over the past three decades, we know there are a lot of inspirational and important stories that need to be told.
For that reason we created BizComPress, offering a way for entrepreneurs and franchise companies to tell those stories.
We recently helped two franchise companies tell their stories in books now available on Amazon.
Amazing Franchise Opportunities: United Franchise Group looks at the award-winning brands and franchise development services that have made UFG a global leader for entrepreneurs. Their new book will be used as a took to introduce prospective franchisees to UFG’s family of brands and help them envision their future as a franchisee.
Making Money While Saving Money takes a look behind the scenes at franchise chain Expense Reduction Analysts (ERA) and how its franchisees are making a difference in the corporate world by working directly with CEO’s to show them how they can save money in a variety of areas.
Like UFG, ERA will use their book as a tool to share their concept to franchisee prospects nationwide.
Not sure a book is right for you? Take an amazing baby step
Not sure your franchise is ready for a book of its own?
We can help you dip your toes in the publishing waters. The second edition of 12 Amazing Franchise Opportunities by Dr. Hayes offers 12 Amazing Franchise companies the opportunity to promote their franchise to worldwide audiences.
The first edition of the book was published in 2015 and immediately was an Amazon bestseller in the franchise small business category. Today there are more than 25,000 digital and print copies of the book in distribution.
In addition, national chains such as FASTSIGNS that were featured in the book, turned their sections of the book into powerful marketing tools to promote and validate their concept. FASTSIGNS alone distributed more than 1,000 copies of their custom book and today there are more than 80 testimonials and reviews on Amazon endorsing the concept as a terrific franchise opportunity.
Do you have an inspiring or interesting story to tell? We can help you tell it in a book. To find out more, contact BizCom CEO Scott White at scottwhite@bizcompr.com or 214-458-5751.