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Guest Columns 101: The Experts Have Spoken

Summertime can mean vacations for many. But media outlets still need to deliver news. And lately that has included a healthy dose of guest columns from BizComPR clients — executives who are known not only for their companies, but also for the incredible expertise they have to share with others.

Media outlets want a real-world perspective for achieving the American Dream

In the span of a few days, C-level executives on the agency’s roster were making headlines not by granting interviews, but by publishing leadership pieces on one of the most attractive topics around: achieving the American Dream.

Edible Arrangements Founder and CEO Tariq Farid posted one of the most popular posts for QSR Magazine with “What I Learned from Achieving The American Dream.”

In sharing his journey he gave some sound advice to other entrepreneurs, beginning with the idea to stop chasing the money. The real key to success is to embrace technology, to constantly innovate and to trust your instincts instead. Do that, and the monetary success will follow.

That’s how Edible Arrangements continues to WOW customers around the world, while growing a healthy franchise network of more than 1,300 locations who, like Tariq, now include many franchise owners who are achieving the American Dream.

Tariq followed up that guest column with another article, this one for Global Franchise Magazine, whereby he has expanded on the idea of creating a business that can do more than succeed at home; it can be shared with cultures and countries across the globe.

In his article “Now Is The Time To Create A Multicultural Brand,” he urges entrepreneurs to dream big from day one in the potential to grow a business on a large scale.

“Never before has the phrase ‘think globally, act locally’ been so accurate when to comes to growing your business,” Tariq wrote.

Sharing the American Dream with others

Restoration 1 CEO Gary Findley has a long track record of growing multiple franchise networks on a national and international scale. And in a recent guest column for Restoration and Remediation he said,  “Here’s some good news for the workforce at-large. The American Dream is alive and well.

And guess what’s even better? You don’t have to do it all by yourself.”

In The Business Case for a Restoration Franchise, Gary explained the attraction to being one’s own boss while being part of a powerful larger brand. He even discussed the success of an exit strategy the mom and pop businesses don’t always enjoy.

Those are all reasons behind the exponential growth of Restoration 1, which has expanded to 140+ franchise locations open and in development in record time over the last 18 months.

“From start to finish, the right franchise opportunity has eliminated the guesswork to offer a proven business model,” Gary explained.

Guest Columns are perfect for sharing keys to a great business culture

When Global Franchise Magazine decided to launch a new series called “Viewpoint”, the first person they called upon for a guest column was Dina Dwyer-Owens, Co-Chair of Dwyer Group.

The idea for this ongoing series was to provide lessons from industry leaders. And Dina was all to eager to share her passion for living and leading with a strong Code of Values.

The journey for Dwyer Group, which now includes 19 brands, more than 2,800+ franchise owners, and more than $1.4 billion in system-wide annual sales, leads back to the organization’s Code of Values as its foundation for success. But how does such a large entity communicate values so effectively?

Dina shared how company meetings, from board meetings all the way to local meetings among franchise locations across the service brands, that include three or more people begin with a proposed exercise to recite the Code of Values.

“We are not a perfect company,” Dina wrote. But she credits it for helping a large company stay the course as well as the franchisee and his or her team on the front lines.

And like in her guest column, Dina spends a great deal time speaking to audiences around the world about how they can do it too. It’s the premise of her acclaimed book Values, Inc., and it will continue to be part of her many conversations . . . and guest columns . . . to come in the future ahead.

Are you ready to join the discussion?

Do you have voice to lend to discussions taking place in the media?

Contact BizComPR for advice on how to use that voice to a powerful advantage for you, your organization, and the audience at-large that can benefit from your message.

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